Special Committees
Our Committees
Education Committee:
Jodie Barkin, MD
Fernando Castro, MD
Dennis Collins, MD
Roberto Firpi, MD
Andres Gelrud, MD
Peter Draganov, MD
Tolga Erim, MD
Ali Lankarani, MD
Joel Richter, MD
Federal Advocacy Committee:
James, DeGerome, MD
Deepinder Goyal, MD, MSCR
Siddharth Mathur, MD
Alison Schneider, MD
Jose Nieto, DO
State Advocacy Committee:
David Becker, MD
Joseph Cody, MD
Francis Farraye, MD
Vikram Gopal, MD
Gerardo Lanes, MD
Bobby Zervo, DO
William Palmer, MD
Jen Seminerio, MD
Public Awareness Committee:
Chris Nuland, ESQ.
Brenda Jimenez, MD
Ashley Canipe, MD
Gerardo Lanes, MD
Charlene LePane, DO
Membership Committee:
Soojang Chae, MD
Dennis Collins, MD
Vanessa Mendez, MD
Leyla Meric, MD
Pushpak Taunk, MD
About the Committees
Education Committee:
The Education Committee is tasked with ensuring all FGS educational events are made up of high quality topics and speakers. The committee also reviews FGS-driven programs to ensure that diversity of speakers is considered. This includes creating well-rounded programs reflecting a balance in speaker- gender, practice (private/academic), ethnicity, age, and topic selection.
Membership Committee:
The Membership Committee serves as champions of the FGS. The sole purpose of this committee is to develop and execute membership growth strategies. Members of this committee will be growing the voice of the FGS and highlighting the strength of bringing Florida’s GI community together as one.
State Advocacy Committee:
The State Advocacy Committee is responsible for representing the FGS on State legislative issues. They will work closely with the FMA and FGS lobbyist, Chris Nuland, to align with other specialty societies and ensure that gastroenterology has a voice in the State of Florida. This committee will also work to educate Florida legislators on the how certain legislation will impact the ability of physicians to provide proper and accessible patient care. Four members of this committee will be required to serve as FGS Delegates to the FMA.
Federal Advocacy Committee:
The Federal Advocacy Committee will work with National GI associations and legislative entities to advocate for medical professionals and the field of gastroenterology on Federal issues. ACG Governors will be automatically approved to serve on this committee.
Public Awareness Committee:
The Public Awareness Committee will identify and execute campaigns aimed at providing the general public with the awareness different GI Diseases & GI-related medical conditions. This will be achieved by partnering with other awareness-focused organizations such as the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation and the Colon Cancer Coalition for special events and leveraging the reach and influence of social media.
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